Ever wondered how some people just seem to have a knack of being a natural on camera?
Yes, it can come naturally for some people, but for most it takes some work and coaching to look and sound comfortable on camera. There are many things we like to do to create a relaxed environment when we shoot, but there are several tricks and techniques you can utilise to make yourself as natural and authoritative as possible.



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4K.  It’s a phrase that causes heated debate amongst video professionals.  Do we really need to be shooting in 4K? What  if Im only delivering in HD?  Are there any other benefits that make shooting in 4K worthwhile?  In this post we are going to take a look at some of the benefits of filming in 4K and what this means for video production.

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When the City of Port Phillip launched their “Smart Travel” campaign in 2013, they commissioned two of our Dream Engine camera operators to capture the mood, movement and flow of travelling to work via greener means.

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IBM Australia hires Dream Engine’s camera crew regularly to service all of their needs in Melbourne. As IBM’s in-house videographers are based in Sydney, they are unable to fly regularly to-and-from Melbourne. Dream Engine provides IBM with an outsourced video production crew in Melbourne.

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Dream Engine recently supplied crew to an exciting shoot for Melbourne-based private security firm Diamond Protection.

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We recently completed a 3 day shoot for CWA – a marketing agency based in the UK. Their client, Volvo Construction Equipment wanted to capture a range of customer testimonials in Melbourne. Our camera crew visited a range of construction sites in Melbourne, capturing B-Roll footage of Volvo Construction machines. We also filmed interviews with Volvo customers who spoke of the benefits that Volvo Construction Equipment have brought them. Footage was backed up for the client onto an external hard drive at the completion of each day’s shoot. A copy of the footage was safely stored on our RAID hard drive until the client had returned to the UK with the footage. This method of backing up is something we highly recommend to anyone working with a production company. If footage is only backed up in one place and a drive fails, a bag gets lost or stolen then it could cost the production a lot of time and money.


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